iPhone 5 to Have 4” Display Screen?

Rumors about the iPhone 5 are already circulating– right after the 4S hit the market. So who’s creating all this chatter? A Japanese blog that tracks the latest and greatest Apple news, called Macotara is eluding to the potential of a bigger screen for the iPhone 5. But is a 4″ display screen that big of a deal compared to the current 3.5″ screen?

Sony and Hithachi have supposedly been shipping 4 inch LCD panels to Apple to use in “new iOS devices.” This could certainly lead readers to believe that the rumored iPhone 5 could boast a bigger and better screen. Although a rumor is only a rumor until proven true. Before the 4S made it’s debut many people has predicted the phone would have a larger display screen, yet it didn’t.

In another recent iLounge story it was stated that there were “several rumors about Apple’s product changes during 2012. On that list was an iPhone with a 4-inch display, alongside metal casing and a summer launch.”

It’s kind of like your ex breaking up with you and then you hear through the grapevine they are dating someone else. But, are they really? Or are they just trying to make you interested and jealous at the same time? Either way, Apple customers remain extremely interested and loyal. After all, an iPhone is much easier to deal with than a significant other — plus now that you have Siri you’ll be awfully happy.