Sell Your iPhone 3G to Upgrade to a 4G Model

While Apple is a fantastic company that deserves all of the loyal customers it has managed to win over, those who love it and hate it alike have a similar complaint: the products are often outdated quicker than with other electronics and computer developers. And the reason for this is that Steve Jobs and company are serious about producing the best products out there, which is the reason that they’ve managed to corner the market so quickly. but the trouble is that when there is an endless pursuit of the best, it means that models get replaced more quickly. And at the same time, technology is speeding up at a rate where it is actually natural for new developments to render old models outdated sooner rather than later.

For anyone holding a 3G iPhone and wondering what to do next now that there’s a shiny new model complete with dual cameras, there are plenty of options available that don’t make consumers look like suckers. The easiest thing to do is to sell your iPhone 3G. This can be done in a number of ways. for those who are internet-savvy, going online to an auction site like eBay or to a local listings service like Craigslist is often an incredibly efficient way of quickly selling a phone. after all, there are plenty of customers out there who are eagerly awaiting your choice to sell your iPhone 3G because they cannot afford to pay retail.

Likewise, those who might be shopping from other countries that are choked of technology might not be able to pay their in-country cost, but they will be able to swing purchasing a phone from somewhere else. for something like Craigslist, getting the cash is as simple as meeting the potential buyer somewhere and making the exchange. It’s incredibly easy and a great way to make money towards a newer model. And this way, there’s no dealing with the occasional shortcomings of auction-based sites, like buyers who don’t end up paying or the trouble of handling shipping and suddenly hearing that a package never arrived, even though the delivery company swears that it did.

For those who might think that it’s not possible to sell a 3G iPhone because of the fact that there is something cosmetically or mechanically wrong with it, there are just as many avenues for you to sell your iPhone 3G broken as there are to sell it fully-functioning. for those who are in the business of repairs, it makes a lot more sense to stock up on parts from phones that are broken, because it is often less expensive than calling up the factory for a factory-issued part. Especially with companies like Apple, finding a fair price from the company itself for a replacement part is often difficult. And the expense of having to deal with Apple directly ends up getting passed on to the repair person, who then has to charge customers more. those who are dealing with parts from broken iPhones can often charge lower prices, keeping consumers happy and still making a profit.

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