Advertise Your iPhone Apps

There are hundreds of thousand of cool iPhone apps in the Apple App Store. you can do anything from expense management to pretend drinking beer. It was only a matter of time until advertisers decided to cash in on the craze. In a megastore as big as Apple’s, the secret to successfully advertise your apps is to get noticed. With more than 65,000 applications in various categories, app developers have come with varied strategies to accomplish this.

How to Advertise Apps

Build a great app so it stays in the top 100 for quite sometime. Make it user-friendly, and have both paid and free versions of your app. Make sure you consistently get good reviews.

Choose a suitable iPhone advertising network to market your app. you can test several ads and choose your target audience by country, device, etc. Make sure you track the usage and download analytics, so you rank in the top 100.

If you want to advertise your apps, but have budgetary restrictions, you can get free exposure. you should get in touch with various app review sites, YouTube-rs who review apps and blogging communities that focus on iPhone or iPhone apps.

Track activities like:

  • Your app rank v/s number of downloads
  • Download and rank v/s number of releases
  • Download and rank v/s ad spend
  • Download and rank v/s live reviews

When you advertise your apps on the store or elsewhere, listen to feedback. If possible, incorporate user reviews in your apps and build new releases periodically. Finally, have a global outlook and localize your advertisement banners and apps. This can help rake in big returns.

Advertise your Apps: Design Principles

Usable and creative user interfaces (UI) are pillars of every iPhone app. In other words, to maximize your ROI on your app advertising and marketing strategies, it is essential to create apps that are easy on the eye and the mind. Follow these design principles to achieve this:

  • Create a UI and layout that users can identify with and involves minimal complication.
  • Simplicity of the UI is the key, while not compromising on core functionalities.
  • Design your UI with large and elegant buttons; also create icons and color-coded interfacing.
  • Layer your UI with scrollable features and incorporate navigational elements. Give the users a quick route to the information they want.
  • Use gesture control functionalities to enable users to share contacts, photos, and bookmarks of an application.

iVdopia is the advanced mobile advertising platform and network, pioneering rich media and video advertising on iphone, android and other smart phones, including Pre-App video and social networking options on smart mobile devices providing better monetization opportunities for app developers. iVdopia’s brand-centric mobile advertising network and platform is used by top developers and brands, Warner Brothers and Miller Lite to deliver premium advertising campaigns.