Technology News: Reviews: ‘Bike Baron’ Is Massively Addictive Daredevil Dynamite

“Bike Baron,” a game from Mountain Sheep, is available for 99 US cents at the App Store. I’m far from a huge gamer on iOS, but occasionally a great game will catch my attention in a cosmic crash of serendipity. In this case, I stumbled upon Nathan Fillion’s Twitter feed (that writer/detective guy paired with …

Ways To Create iPhone Applications

Shortly after June 2010, the original iPhone SDK is known as iOS SDK, right after Apple renamed the iPhone OS to iOS. You can use C, Objective C, C++ and JavaScript to build programs for iPhone. To do this reasonably you’re better off acquiring a recent plan with regards to creating iPhone apps. Kanchoo is …

Sound ID 510 Review

The Samsung Sound ID 510 Bluetooth headset with iPhone integration provides integration concerning the wireless headset along with the iPhone that users are remembering a lot. The Sound ID 510 has been named world’s first wireless head set since it utilizes the iPhone’s Sound ID EarPrint App to improve the audio quality of cellular phone …