Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. HTC One X (EVO 4G LTE): In-depth comparison

Trying to decide between the new Samsung Galaxy S3 and the HTC One X, or its brother, the EVO 4G LTE? Well, look no further. After testing both devices, we’ve broken down these two phones feature by feature to figure out which one is the best bang for your buck. For years, we’ve compared nearly …

Twelve South PlugBug: Hands-on review

I’m not sure if there’s something in the water that’s making manufacturers come out with a lot of new power accessories for Apple devices these days, but it seems like a lot of new products like the XtremeMac Slim 10W USB Wall Charger and others are being announced. None of the announcements really provided quite …

Bria extends VoIP phone client to iPad

if you’ve been looking around for a solid VoIP/SIP client for the iPad or iPhone, consider CounterPath’s Bria. For all the excitement around VoIP on the iPhone and iPod touch (including high profile apps like Skype, Vonage TalkFree for Facebook and Line2), relatively few developers have gone after the corporate side of the voice mix. …