iPhone app reviews: Kicksend

A number of file sharing applications have become popular, especially in conjunction with the iPhone. If one wanted to share his most cherished memories with the world, Instagram would be the tool for him. However, since most people prefer to share these special moments with a select few, competitors arose to fill the void that …

What Apple Needs to Lure Me Back to iPhone 5

Tweet Share Email As a long time iPhone user, I jumped ship to Android. I see a stagnating platform in iOS versus Android’s faster development of key features. I’m not a particularly platform loyal person. I’ve owned Palm, Windows Mobile, iPhone and now Android. in each case I jumped to the next platform because I …

Review Features To Buy iPhone 4G For Sale Online

You must buy iPhone 4G for sale, as it offers the best of mobile technology in one sleek gadget. the reviews have garnered tremendous positive feedback so far. And if you are already pumped up to buy one, you will find hundreds of freeship and wholesale deals online, particularly on Amazon. Apple iPhone 4 is …