Five Great Free Productivity Apps for IPhone

Among the many benefits of owning an iPhone 5 is the ability to have a hundreds of apps at your fingertips to improve the quality of your personal and professional life. Productivity apps are useful in every sphere of your daily routine, from grocery shopping to exercising, working on a project to cleaning your home. …

Ditching the work-issued BlackBerry (Ask Maggie)

Corporate types are kissing their company-issued BlackBerry smartphones buh-bye. And ask Maggie is here to help the newly liberated choose a smartphone of their own. Companies large and small are recognizing the benefits of allowing their employees to bring their own smartphones into work rather than issuing them devices. Additional on-device security features and productivity …

TOP 10 iPhone 4 Productivity apps plus one more

In today’s busy and competitive world, it’s not about who’s smarter or more talented, it’s about who is more productive. It’s about who can get things done quicker without sacrificing quality. Let’s face it, we all have things that needs to get done in a timely matter. whether the task at hand has to deal …